Putrajaya, 15 July 2024 - The Government of Malaysia has sought Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) expertise for technical cooperation in developing REE, covering the entire process from exploration to commercialization.
In response, JICA dispatched a mission to JMG and conducted a site visit in Perak in December 2023. Today, JMG. are fortunate to welcome a second mission comprising representatives from government of Japan, academia and industry to assess our current status and needs, as well as to hold a symposium to share with JMG staff regarding REE.
Following today's symposium, the delegates will visit three potential REE sites in Perak to learn more about their geological details. During the visit, the delegates will explore the current status of ion-adsorption type rare earth deposits and the mining industry in Malaysia. Additionally, at the end of the visit, they will reconvene to exchange insights and strategies for future collaboration among the participating parties.
JMG confident that with the collective expertise and commitment of everyone here, including our esteemed guest, JICA representatives from Malaysia and JMG, we will make significant strides toward a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for the REE industry in Malaysia and Japan.